Super Saver is a responsible and giving corporate citizen. Our associates are encouraged to give their time and talents to help organizations that support good and worthy causes.
While it is gratifying to support events and organizations in our communities, Super Saver is limited to the confines of our allotted annual giving budget. We have focused our giving into the following main areas: eliminating hunger, educating children and community betterment.
Apples For the Students
Help schools earn FREE education awards! Learn More!
Food Banks
One of Super Saver’s primary concerns in its communities is caring for the hungry. Super Saver supports food banks with in-kind product donations and financial contributions.
Education and Youth Programs
Support is given to human service agencies that provide services to people in need in our communities. Support is considered for organizations that assist a large number of individuals in the community, organizations that provide services to families, and those agencies that meet the multiple needs of their clients. Priority is given to projects that directly benefit children, promote the education of children, or encourage the positive development of children.
Community Development
Support for operations or projects are granted to community and civic organizations that focus on civic involvement, citizen participation or positive improvements that benefit the entire community.
Hometown or Neighborhood Activities
Support for projects are granted to local, grass-roots organizations that focus their efforts on improving their immediate community through activities that benefit families in their hometowns or neighborhoods.
Helping Organizations Help Themselves
Super Saver also has programs that allow non-profit groups to raise additional funding.
Our Best Choice Save-a-Label program generates 3 cents to the group for each label collected and redeemed. Labels are collected and redeemed in bundles of 1000. We also work with our partner food manufacturers with their label programs (i.e. Campbell’s and General Mills). See stores for details on these programs
Scrip Program
Super Saver works with schools, churches and non-profit organizations by selling store gift cards at a discount to the organization. The organization then sells the gift cards to their members at face value and keeps the difference for their fund raising efforts. For more information on this program please call the Super Saver Scrip Coordinator at (402) 464-6297, or email to scrip@brstores.com.
‘Hot Dog’ Stands
From time to time our stores work with non-profit groups who want to staff ‘hot dog’ stands at the front of the store. The store will sell food components and supplies to the group at a discount and the non-profit group enjoys the proceeds that are collected. This not only helps the group monetarily, but helps gain public exposure as well. See your nearest Super Saver Store Director to schedule an event.
Have a request? Here’s what to do…
Whether your program affects a particular neighborhood or the entire community you’ll need to follow these simple steps:
Step 1:
Think about your request. Does it fit with our key criteria for giving described above? Do we have what you need (food, flowers, photo, etc.)?
Step 2:
Bring in a request on your organization’s letterhead and complete a Donation Request Form. Be sure to include the date of the event, purpose, what you need from us (product, advertising, cash), a copy of your 501(c)3 status, name, address, and daytime phone of a contact person. Drop it off at the Super Saver location that you most frequently shop at.
Step 3:
Plan ahead and be patient. There are only a couple of people handling hundreds of requests, but in most cases we’ll get back to you in about 8 weeks for large requests and 3 weeks for small donations.
Rest assured we give your request thoughtful consideration. Thank you for helping us continue our outreach efforts.
Super Saver charitable funds will not be used to support:
For-profit organizations (employee recognition programs, company events, etc.) and third-party organizations. It is Super Saver’s policy to support the organization or the organization’s fund raising event directly rather than support a third-party event that benefits a charity.
Groups seeking educational or travel grants for contest, pageants, trips or conventions.
Advertising, promotional events or sponsorship of athletic teams.